Swiscoin As an Networker

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What you get as a networker

Swis concept, offers all members, a unique chance for serious earning potential. We value your performance. Swis Rewards incentivize the success stories. We award such as

Faster and Super Faster bonuses:
Being part of this exclusive circle comes with Rewards,
Luxury items such as International Tours,
Cash Bonuses, and
Luxury cruise holidays.
Other members will be inspired by your achievement – and realize what huge opportunities Swis concept offers.

Maximize your Lifestyle

Swis concept is all about combining business and lifestyle! When you are a member of the Swis concept, you work with a business model that has an unlimited income potential and lots of fun to be a part of life. Furthermore Swis concept has partnered up with the best lifestyle content, experiences that are so special, not even money can buy.

Swis concept Provides Amazing rewards for best lifestyle to its members that can be redeemed for luxury holidays, hotels, restaurants and experience days. Want to have an unforgettable week in International Tours? Or take your family, friends and loved Swiscoin on a true life changing experience? Make sure you get in on the action and fun that Swis concept provided.

Swis concept Points start calculating based on your join date as a member, all people who join as members after you in the total company, will earn Reward Points for you. JOIN today and participate in the ACTION fast! Ultimately, joining with Swiscoin you become world class Leader!!!

Personal branding can build your business Branding is the process of creating unique and durable perceptions in the minds of consumers. A Brand is a persistent business identity intertwined with quality, personality, liking, & much more. A business without a Brand is like navigating the oceans without a compass.

Your main goal is to make your Brand irreplaceable; there’s only one YOU! In the Network Marketing Industry, we must Brand ourselves as leaders and experts in order to grow our business. Only leaders make “real” money in this business, so it’s critical to become one if you want to reach that level.

Brand your name

Think of a catchy easy-to-remember phrase or name that says something about you or what you do. It’s easier to remember the Branded Company than what’s its name? Version. When people have a positive experience with a specific Brand, they’re more likely to buy that product or service again rather than Brand X.

What do you stand for?

Is it reliability, service, leadership, integrity, value, etc…work on being known for at least one beneficial trait.

Find your Niche

Who is your target market and what value do you provide? For a small business, this is one of the most important things you can do for your business, because you don’t have the power of large corporations. You want to create loyalty.

Create a Good Customer Experience

Your customers will evaluate the entire experience they have with you, from the first impression to a potential sale and beyond. People love to buy, but hate to be sold. If you’re using video on the Internet, make yourself presentable, speak clearly, & don’t ramble on and on. Evaluate yourself from the perspective of “Would you buy from you”?

What is your Unique Selling Proposition?

Why should someone buy from you? Ideally, you should be solving a problem or providing benefitsto your target market. Always sell benefits, not features.

Benefits of Branding

Less risk for consumers; people tend to choose the Brand-name over the no-name, especially if the Brand stands for something of value. Lower marketing expenses; you must spend money to create the Brand, but once it’s created you get a bigger bang for every marketing buck.

Familiarity makes you more likeable; this makes even non-customers more likely to recommend a Brand they know & existing customers willing to pay a premium for a product or service. The Bottom Line…

Everyone pretty much sells the same thing, the one’s that truly stand for something have the best chance of survival. When you become more valuable to the marketplace, the dollars will follow…

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